Œnoppia is observer member of the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) since 2010 and of Codex Alimentarius since 2014. The association is also listed in the European Union transparency register (n° 472680516299-15) since 2015 and observer member of the European Committee of Wine Companies (CEEV) since 2013.
In parallel to these applications, the association has built strong interactions and partnerships with major stakeholders at international and national levels.
Following many years of close collaboration, FIVS and Œnoppia signed a Memorandum of Understanding in 2019, to take advantage of each other’s expertise, as well as to share information and promote educational efforts, in turn bolstering the effectiveness of the two organizations.
Since 2020, Œnoppia is an observer member of the Enological Supply Organization (ESO) based in California, Unites States of America.